Day 1 of Early Neuro Stimulation Exercises
For the next 14 days, we will do these five exercises 1 x a day with each exercise lasting only about 3-5 seconds: 1) Puppy held upright in secure hold 2) Puppy held upside down in secure hold 3) Puppy tickled between toes with Q-tip 4) Puppy laid on its back (Of course this is a natural Brittany sleeping position anyways) 5) Puppy laid briefly on a cold wash cloth or baggy of ice 6) Puppy introduced to a different smell.
Current studies and breeder observational testimonials are indicating that doing the ENS exercises between days 3-16 of a young puppies life tend to have the “benefit of improved cardio vascular performance (hear rate); stronger heart beats; stronger adrenal glands; more tolerance to stress; and greater resistance to disease.” (cited from AKC article Puppy Socialization Starts with Breeder: Early Neurological Stimulation by Penny Leigh)
Here is Lime girl getting a whiff of cinnamon. Green boy chillin’ out on his back in Brian’s hold. Orange boy experiencing the upright and upside down maneuvers with an added shoulder snuggle from Rhonda.