Puppy Cam
A view from puppy cam and momma Jazz totally multi-tasking: Feeding while in the typical Brittany sleep pose!
A view from puppy cam and momma Jazz totally multi-tasking: Feeding while in the typical Brittany sleep pose!
As we are getting really near to due date, an x-ray was completed to get a more accurate count of expected puppies. Well…vet counted 11. Let the fun begin. Oh, my!
Manding is an exercise from Puppy Culture which is the beginning of teaching a Puppy some positive reinforcement with treats as well as beginning social politeness training (specifically, not jumping up and deMANDING attention or treat). The MANDING exercise is often done with a clicker and treat. We don’t do clicker training, so I pair…
This was our last change to give the puppies an exposure to something totally new before they start going home to their humans so we decided to introduce them to my horse, T-Bone. 🙂
We were able to get MUCH better lighting today and, even though puppies will be puppies, most are not tooooo blurry. We also included a picture of the beautiful color they are really developing already on their torsos. Just a beautiful bunch of babies for your Easter Sunday viewing! Pictured in their birth order… Blue…
The following are individual videos on each pup which included a couple temperament activities: come directly when called with enthusiasm/excitement, eye contact while in a “cradle” position, chasing a wing on a string and then one not attached (retrieve), individual boldness at play and interaction without littermates in play area, and being restrained on their…
AND…..Can’t resist the cute sleeping puppies. Today is Day 15 of the Early Neuro Stimulation, with tomorrow being the last day of this series of NeoNatal exercise. We filmed Grey Boy going through the whole routine, but he is an example of how well all of them go through this series of stimuli with complete…