Sound Habituation Starts with Classical Music
Don’t worry, we will Country On and Rock On later…
Puppies .played by and napped by a little classical sounds today. Turn up sound!
Well, playtime kinda drowning out the “soothing” music.
Puppies .played by and napped by a little classical sounds today. Turn up sound!
Well, playtime kinda drowning out the “soothing” music.
As we are getting really near to due date, an x-ray was completed to get a more accurate count of expected puppies. Well…vet counted 11. Let the fun begin. Oh, my!
For the next 14 days, we will do these five exercises 1 x a day with each exercise lasting only about 3-5 seconds: 1) Puppy held upright in secure hold 2) Puppy held upside down in secure hold 3) Puppy tickled between toes with Q-tip 4) Puppy laid on its back (Of course this is…
2 1/2 weeks and our eyes are open! Photos are shot in low light due to eyes just opening and safer for the babes for now to not face the light or have a flash right now, but here’s a good look at what these beautiful 11 look like at 2.5 weeks.
Manding is an exercise from Puppy Culture which is the beginning of teaching a Puppy some positive reinforcement with treats as well as beginning social politeness training (specifically, not jumping up and deMANDING attention or treat). The MANDING exercise is often done with a clicker and treat. We don’t do clicker training, so I pair…
Jazz x Jake litter due around March 19 or 20, 2023 On February 23, an ultra sound absolutely confirmed pregnancy with little puppy fetuses and heart beats visible. Our wonderful vet, Dr. Gentle, indicated pup development and size all looked as it should and, momma Jazz was also doing great. Next visit will be March…