Day 15 of ENS
AND…..Can’t resist the cute sleeping puppies.
Today is Day 15 of the Early Neuro Stimulation, with tomorrow being the last day of this series of NeoNatal exercise. We filmed Grey Boy going through the whole routine, but he is an example of how well all of them go through this series of stimuli with complete calm and no anxiety. (He’s not the one whining, that would be Red Girl not happy Momma left for a potty break), All of them, also, lapped at the cheese which now tells us, that once their legs steady up in the next couple of days, they will be ready to start supervised lapping up of puppy formula from a shallow pan.
But now, the real fun begins over the next two weeks…introduction of toys, obstacles, textures, sounds, and even some bird wings! Talk about some fun, cute stuff and we feel these eleven beautiful babes are ready for their next Socialization stage!
However, sleeping Brittany puppies are about the cutest ever…
Clockwise: Teal girl, Grey boy, Green boy, Purple girl, Red girl, Lime girl Orange boy, Pink girl and Green boy Lime and Grey