First Live Chucker
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Learning to lap up (or bathe in?) puppy formula. Pink and Teal girls with a little after lunch play time. Red girl and Orange boy planning an escape with Yellow boy waiting to see how that goes down. Blue Boy and his cute little butt heading to the sleep nest for a nap. But whoops……
2 1/2 weeks and our eyes are open! Photos are shot in low light due to eyes just opening and safer for the babes for now to not face the light or have a flash right now, but here’s a good look at what these beautiful 11 look like at 2.5 weeks.
The following are individual videos on each pup which included a couple temperament activities: come directly when called with enthusiasm/excitement, eye contact while in a “cradle” position, chasing a wing on a string and then one not attached (retrieve), individual boldness at play and interaction without littermates in play area, and being restrained on their…
Videos taken over last couple of days, some from our Puppy Cam: The puppies definitely enjoy playing each other (well…wrestling, tackling, biting each other’s noses and ears), along with any new fun toys that have showed up in the play area.
For the next 14 days, we will do these five exercises 1 x a day with each exercise lasting only about 3-5 seconds: 1) Puppy held upright in secure hold 2) Puppy held upside down in secure hold 3) Puppy tickled between toes with Q-tip 4) Puppy laid on its back (Of course this is…